Monday, March 15, 2010

Medicate me, please

One more week before my current dose of antidepressant will be low enough to start a new medication. (had a reaction to current med, so had to taper down before starting a new one). Basically, I am on almost no antidepressant. My mood has been, well, depressed. I feel out of control of my emotions and my life. I'm overwhelmed by the simplest tasks. Reading the mail is so stressful I have to do it in small steps. How pathetic am I? I slept most of yesterday.

I don't think S.O. is very supportive of me right now. He has said he doesn't understand what I'm going through, but I don't think it's that so much as he doesn't really care. Or it's just me being depressed and anxious about everything. I can feel myself falling into this big hole and I don't want to move or think or do anything. I just want to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. We can be hard to reach when we're depressed. And, we view everything negatively and seem only to find evidence of our isolation because that is what we focus on looking for - or at least I do! I think it is hard to be us, but it is also hard to be the partner of someone who is depressed. If its hard to trust in ourselves to care enough for us, it is even harder to trust someone else to I think. Be patient. Sending you healing wishes x
